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HUSL Publications Guide: Annual C. Clyde Ferguson Jr. Symposium (2021)

The purpose of this guide is to provide information about publications produced by Howard University School of Law (HUSL).  Access information is provided, along with context for name changes over time.

Annual C. Clyde Ferguson Jr. Symposium (2021)

The Sixth Annual C. Clyde Ferguson Jr. Symposium: The Promise & Perils of Technology:

Legal Strategies to Protect Communities of Color on January 28, 2021



The Promise and Perils of Technology: Legal Strategies to Protect Communities of Color, will examine how technology, with all of its societal benefits, also has discriminatory impacts on communities of color and offers participants the opportunity to learn about the ways we can prevent and address these discriminatory impacts.


  • 10:30AM – 11:00AM: Introduction and Welcomes with Dean Danielle Holley-Walker; Editor-in-chief of the Human and Civil Rights Law Review Ashlyne Polynice; and Executive Submissions and Solicitations Editor of the Human and Civil Rights Law Review Kayla Strauss.
  • 11:30AM – 12:45PM: Panel 1- Information and Computer Technology and Discrimination with Dr. Ifeoma Ajunwa, Professor Oliver Sylvain, and Mr. Sheldon Gilbert.
  • 12:45PM – 1:45PM: Keynote Address by Professor Maurice Dyson
  • 2:00PM – 3:15PM: Panel 2- Surveillance and Criminal Enforcement Technologies and Discrimination with Professor Khaled A. Beydoun, Professor Jessica Eaglin, Professor Sean Hill and Professor Ngozi Okidgebe
  • 3:30PM – 4:45PM: Panel 3- Biotechnology and Discrimination with Professor Seema Mohapatra and Professor Ruqaiijah Yearby
  • 5:00PM - 5:30PM: Closing Remarks with Editor-in-chief of the Human and Civil Rights Law Review Ashlyne Polynice and Executive Submissions and Solicitations Editor of the Human and Civil Rights Law Review Kayla Strauss.


Watch the Sixth Annual C. Clyde Ferguson Jr. Symposium:




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