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Library Orientation: 1L Students

HUSL Class of 2024

Legal Citation Manual


The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st Edition)  

The Bluebook is a style guide that prescribes the most widely used legal citation system in the United States. 

Get ready to start using it in your legal writing class!


LRRWI Legal Research Lab

The law library faculty are delighted to welcome you to Research Lab! 

This LRRWI course will introduce you to basic legal research tools, resources, and methodologies.  You will learn how to find and evaluate a wide variety of legal resources and develop skills needed not only for your first year of law school, but throughout your legal career. 

In the fall semester, you will study search logic, case law research, and secondary sources.  In the spring, you will learn statutory, legislative, and regulatory research.

The first Research Lab session is scheduled for Friday, August 20.  Before that date, be sure to set up your accounts in Lexis and Westlaw, and register for your classes on TWEN.  Instructions for registration and your unique registration codes were sent to your email.  Your Research Lab section, classroom and class time will be sent to you separately.

We are looking forward to seeing you in class!

We're here to help

Stay out of 1L Wonderland.  

Don't wonder.  Ask us!


© Howard University School of Law Library.  Updated: January 2023.

Questions about this guide should be directed to