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Lawyer Wellness: Mindfulness and Mindful Practices

Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are common in both the legal profession and in law school. The goal of this guide is to provide resources to cope with or reduce stress and tensions weighing on law students.

Mindfulness and Mindful Practices

Mindfulness is a practice that involves bringing awareness to the processes of the mind in the present moment without judgement. Stress from the rigors of law school and from daily life can be debilitating, and learning to be less reactive to anxious or ruminative thoughts can help reduce the effects of mental health disorders and general tension. This section offers books, articles, and websites arguing the efficacy of mindfulness in stress reduction, especially within the context of legal practice and school. It also shares resources designed to introduce students to mindfulness practice and resources meant to foster continued engagement for those interested.

Table of Contents: Mindfulness and Mindful Practices


Image by Vinitha Baskaran




  • How to Meditate by David Gelles - NY Times: This article from the New York Times outlines a basic meditation practice and offers recorded guided meditations.

Guided Meditations

  • Liberate Meditation: Liberate "is the #1 meditation app for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color community." Available on iOS and Android.


  • Black Zen: "BLACK ZEN is a movement dedicated to improving the health and well-being of black and brown communities. It is a social enterprise designed to make meditation accessible, relatable and effective across a dynamic range of individuals. Through meditation, Black Zen aims to re-frame mindsets and blow up limiting beliefs by demystifying the practice, debunking common misconceptions and showing that every day people can use meditation to bring positive changes in their life." This website includes a podcast, guided meditations, and articles to support continued growth.
  • The Mindful Law Student: "The Institute for Mindfulness Studies (IMS) brings the contemplative practice of mindfulness to law students by offering mindfulness insights and instruction in techniques specifically designed for legal professionals. Our focus for law students is to enrich the law school experience so that it is a time of great learning, growth, and excitement." 

If you're interested in learning more, our Continuity of Library Services guide contain sections on (1) coping with stress, (2) prioritizing self-care, and (3) adjusting to change.

© Howard University School of Law Library.  Questions about this guide should be directed to